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KSh 90.00Is an annual herbaceous legume. It’s a substantial and also cash crop. Due to its tolerance for sandy soil and low rainfall, most farmers in Tana River domesticate it since most places in the county experience short rains.
Green Grams
KSh 220.00KSh 200.00The mung bean alternatively known as green gram is a plant species in the legume family. It is a cash crop, it’s usually cultivated from March to June due to high temperature and low humidity during that season which keeps insects and diseases at the lowest. They are mostly planted in Tana delta sub-county.
KSh 45.00Maize is a cereal grain that is mainly source of food in Tana River and it’s only domesticated during rainy seasons and they usually use the type which does not take long to be ready for harvest which approximately takes two months.
KSh 110.00In Tana River rice is mainly planted in Tarda scheme which was one of the largest schemes in the county it was a source of employment for the people living around there, but for now, the scheme is currently not operating.